Our love was beyond time and death. The promise of true love kept me alive despite every reason to bid this angst-filled world goodbye.
Have I set my sights too high? I hold you dear, more so now than ever before. Yet, your inattention to my torn heart plunges me into a despair that has no boundaries. Does a flawed man merit the reassurance that the deepest of wounds shall be healed?
There was a time when you heard my plaintive cries and offered such succor as calmed my disquieting mood. Yes, ever at my side to console and to lift from the fathomless pit.
There is no question that I am needy, that I do admit. Surely, it pains me that I am a weak and ignoble excuse of a man. Nonetheless, we were a perfect match: you, the strong and giving, I, the devoted and worshipful.
Unworthy, yes, but needing true love as I require the air that I breathe . . .